Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 3 of The Never Ending Period

By now you think I would hold my tongue. But I just love flaming the adminstation. Where better to start than with the informant. Hi it's me. Yes Mario is back on the fuck you kick. Im super crazy and by now you should know this by now. Why you coming at me extra reckless lady? Call my dude Chris Breezy on your shit. Lol but thats not really funny. Anyway whats with you? Nobody in the community service group cross-over into your group. So don't cross-over into us. Go hang with your friends at TEENSPACK and yours buddy Autro and Chuk. You know when gay guys are the only guys that can talk to you with a straight face, that should tell you something right. I know if only lesbians were the only type of girls that can talk to me with a straight face I'd shoot myself. Yo but I'm out my next post is going to be Outside.