Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Better Not Sent

Dear Keoni,
As I sit here trying to figure out my next move. Sacha wants me to do something that I'm not ready to do. Nor do I think I want to. I mean I wasn't in the wrong. I had to break away from that chapter in my story. I mean Keoni you meant a lot to me. By breaking away from you, I'm showing myself I'm not afraid. That I'm not afraid to grow up and to go on. So like I said earlier, I can't apologize. Not right now anyway. I need this time to grow up, we both do, because with all my "adult" habits on occasion I still have "childlike" tendencies. So cutting the safety net was made a little easier as we talked. Thinking back I'm glad we had our time together, and I'm not happy to see it go, but at least we had it. After we're "grown up" a little more maybe we can try this friend thing again. Ciao for now....
Maurice L. Brown II