Saturday, January 9, 2010

Birds of a Feather

Tom:  Fuck it. *grabs the bottle and rolls a blunt* I'll do what I want to when I want to. *walks to edge of roof and sits*

Jessie: Okay but don't hurt yourself. *sits beside him*

Tom: Why do you care?

Jessie: *thinking to herself* "Because I love you!" Because I'm your friend.

Tom: Everything I do is just cause. Nobody cares anyway. If they did it wouldn't be just me when your with your other friends.

Jessie: I'm the only friend you will ever need Tom.

Tom: Then why is it that you have other friends Jesse? If your the only friend I'll need then why do you have others?

Jessie: Well........

Tom: Well what?

Jessie: Ummmm..........

Tom: Jesse admit it no one likes me! I couldn't get a date to prom, I never get invited to do things, hell people don't even come over to play Rock Band and everyone we know LOVES that game!!

Jessie: But Tom....

Tom: But nothing Jesse. I don't even know why you bother with me.

Jessie: Its because we click.

Tom: Oh please not this speech again. Jesse I get it, I'm a charity case. You only hung out with me because I came to cheer you up that one time you were sad.

Jessie: That was 4 years ago.

Tom: Cut the act Jessie. Your friends don't like me, your family doesn't like me, why keep getting hassled over me?

Jessie: Because I care.

Tom: Oh whatever. *lights the blunt* You smell that? This is some good shit here. Enough to fuck me up quick.

Jessie: Then give me the bottle you don't need both.

Tom: For what I'm doing I need both.

Jessie: What are you doing Tom?

Tom: You will see soon babe.
Tom is a little disorientated after a few minutes of smoking and drinking. Jessie is scared.

Tom: I'm ready now.

Jessie: Ready for what Tom?

Tom: *stands up on the edge of the roof* For this.... *leans back and falls*

Jessie: *screams* NO TOM!!!!!

Tom: Bye Jesse. I'm finally free. Finally able to be loved. *crashes to the ground*

Jessie: Tom you were already loved, I loved you, I love you, I LOVE YOU TOM!! *starts to cry*
A few days later at Tom funeral.....

Tom's mother: We decided to read a piece of poetry out of Tom's journal. The poem reads:

On this day,
I see clearly,
My feelings for her are real,
Yet I know there is another,
She will choose him,
So I must push on,
For I know I am,
Round 2,
Always the back-up,
Never the first pick,
The trick is to survive,
And pray that he falls,
But alas I cannot,
For if she is not happy,
My world will fall.

Jessie: May I read something as well?

Tom's mother: Yes Jessie you may. 

Jessie: Think you Ms. Brown. What I'm reading today is a poem I wrote about a boy, and now it is to late to give it to him. The poem reads:

He sits behind me every year,
And everyday I watch him shed a tear,
Thinking what is up with him.
He is not one of the popular guys,
Yet he always catches my eye,
If only he wasn't so shy,
I try and make him my guy.
As time went on we became best of pals,
While all of the gals,
Had told me to pursue someone new,
I couldn't let him go.
We hung out everyday on the roof,
I couldn't tell what was up with,
One day on that roof,
I swear I'm going to tell him the truth.

Jessie: That is the end of what I have to say.

Tom's dad: Well did you get to tell him?

Jessie: Yeah I did, I told him after he hit the ground that fateful day. It was a saddest moment of my life but I feel like it is my fault in a way. I just wanted to get that off my chest is all.
Jessie sat down next to her boyfriend of 5 months.

Jessie's boyfriend: Did you really love him.

Jessie: More than you will ever know>
For the next few days no one seen Jessie. Her mother went to her room to find her laying next to a note that read:

Tom, don't worry I'm coming everything is going to be okay.