Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dear Marshall

So here is a poem I wrote a few minutes ago on my Tumblr.... I decided I should post it here too.

This is an open letter,
Not to considered a confession,
Not be confused with fan mail,
You get to much of that,
I just like the name,
And the references will bring the readers back.
Hey Marshall,
I’m having a Relapse,
Bottles of alcohol and prescription caps,
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg,
Dreams of murder scenes,
With faces I don’t know…
I love her,
She hates me,
Something like Kim and Haley,
I don’t sleep,
Days writing poems,
Nights crying alone,
Shell casings all over my bedroom floor…..
I want to end it tonight,
Yet my state of mind,
Paranoia, and situation,
Keeps me pacing back and forth,
I’m afraid I love her,
She really hates me,
I want to go,
But it wouldn’t fix me,
And truthfully if I do it,
It’s just to see if,
She would miss me……..