Friday, June 4, 2010

Thoughts From Last Night

Okay I get,
Alright no need to explain,
I went from being your best friend,
To your boyfriend,
Back to being just friends,
And now I'm an afterthought,
I really can't explain it,
And the character count on my status,
Don't give me enough to try,
If we suppose to be "best" friends,
Why is everything so reluctant,
If I make a change in plans,
Why is there a problem?
And when I ask a couple questions,
You act like I'm bugging,
Huh, what was that,
You saying goodbye?
I knew I would always be the bad guy,
I take the blame when ever you get mad,
And I always stay with you when your sad,
Even though you hurt me, for you I stayed glad,
Whats that you say,
You don't want to hear it,
Why do I always lecture you like I'm your dad?
But this isn't a lecture,
We're not in study hall,
This is a text message,
Or a phone call,
Don't hang up just yet,
There is more on my mind,
You asked me to speak it,
And right now seems just fine,
I don't know why I bother,
Or even try,
Mention that kids name,
You're there no lie,
I'm down for compromise,
But you're like no,
My way is just fine,
Don't even hear me out,
So why do I speak?
For you to step on my words,
Act like there real cheap,
Oh you're sleepy now,
How I know you'd say that,
Not like every time I got a point,
You give me that,
But its cool,
I'll say the rest to your voice mail.
*Leave me a message*
Yeah it's me,
Hanging up the phone,
Don't make it any better,
You do whatever,
But I can't do a damn thing,
Without a why, who, what, and when,
Seems like a summary, yeah?
You go out,
You say nothing happen,
Talk about it tomorrow,
You speak volumes,
As I pop Valiums,
So I can take the lies,
Like frogs take in the flies,
You're not drunk,
You tipsy,
It's the same shit to me,
But whatever,
I keep the Svedka,
In my red little sweater,
Just to feel better,
Nope I did need it,
Pills go and beats it,
Bobby take the bottle,
Then go speeding,
Whatever be the reason,
That I truly care about you,
Be the same reason that I,
Truly get frustrated,
Cause lately a day for me and you,
Gets reduced to an hour or two,
Or worst if we throw his name in the mix,
Like a bowl for Trix,
Feeling like the rabbit,
Jumping threw hopes for it,
But I realize tonight I'm mad,
Tomorrow I'll be upset,
And by the time we speak,
You would have forgot,
I wouldn't be so angry,
So it would be like whatever,
Or it never happen,
It seems like taking it to heart,
Will always hurt,
Even though brushing it off,
Should feel worst,
It may be the only way,
To let go first.