Wednesday, April 27, 2011

When Worlds Collide

He had the world
He threw it away
I got a taste
I didn't deserve it
Yet you gave it to me
Knowing I was going to soon be with another
You said that world deserve me more
Not once did I think about my own
If I thought of my people
The other world I would not know
But I thought of yours
I thought of hers
Why did he throw so much away?
Why does another threaten our union?
Why did I ally with another?
Because we aren't planets
Or galaxies
We are humans
Logic and emotions
Ran by a CPU
The scientist call it a brain
The romantics call it heart
I chose the ladder
For both sides chose me
They both felt right
I took the one less traveled by
I didn't take a coat
For both roads would be warm
And both souls will be torn
As I wonder to myself
Am I really worth it?