Thursday, April 1, 2010


Every night I wonder
If a teller is in heaven I'm dwellin
Does hell have the pearly gates
Or is heaven a deadly robbery at 7 eleven ~ Charles Hamilton

Before someone takes this as one of those random atheist things that I post. It isn't I've been getting a lot of higher power talk, and realize they only associate God with good things. But isn't this the same God that flooded the world?
Ah he is right thought, cause I do wonder if it's heaven or hell I'm dwelling.
See I got sinful thoughts,
And a dirty mind,
Somethings I do,
Could make the good go blind,
The things on my mind,
With sometime,
Just might make my world unwind.
They say God gave me style, He gave me grace,
He keeps the smile on my face.
And as the day ends, and my smile bends,
Where does He go?
Does He even know, of all the emotions we show,
Cause if He gave me style, and He gave me grace,
He gave that guy the spit thats in my face,
But in the end if He, has it planned,
Then it will work out,

Or so I'm told.