Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Final Goodbye

Final Goodbye??
By Maurice

It is sad,
Very sad when a love one must go,
But this doesn't have to be,
Does it?
This doesn't have to be our final goodbye,
This could be a chance to learn,
Find our strengths,
Just because where heading to different way,
This doesn't have to be our final goodbye.

I'm scared,
I don't want to lose you,
But with this being goodbye,
I just might,
So be prepared,
For my tears,
My emotions,
Normally I'm stronger than this,
But tonight is different,
This is actually our final goodbye.
Sure we can keep in touch,
But now we can't touch,
Because I'm here,
And your there,
So as I cry on this paper,
I want to ask you something,
Are you ready for this?
Because I'm not,
Graduation is starting to look like doomsday,
Or am I worrying to much,
Anyway I just don't want to leave,
I'm not ready to leave,
I can't do this,
But I must,
6/25/09 6:00pm,
Bring it on..............