Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 1

I wake up and I'm pissed. So I hope on blogspot and rant the day away. I cant find Peach she is probably in some castle. Boswer is really getting on my last nerves I can't do shit without his interference. At least I passed my L.E. regent. Now I get to graduate in June. Sweet!! Luigi passed his too. But he is trying to graduate with honors or something. He gotta take his french. Anyway Daisy failed Math again. This is what her forth time. Birdo passed her regent but she is way to hard on herself. No news from Toad and Toadette on their test. Last but not least Waluigi (Today thats JJ) failed Math and got lucky on L.E.

But all of this has nothing to do with anything. I had a show last night and I'm wondering if any body got any pictures. Hit me up on myspace I'm still looking for you Peach. No matter how long it takes lol. Anyways this is only the start of something great. Here's my aim Heres the gamertag (Xbox Live) Kidd2Kidd. Here's the windows live Don't be afraid to hit me up. Lol. Just doing what I do best. Next post is a poem lol.