Maybe I should end it all tonight,
One shot I could end it all tonight,
Why fight when I could end it tonight?
The pain rolls deep into my soul,
Then I see that the whole world is cold.
This is why I wanna go,
But my reflection is telling me no.
It tells me there is a beauty,
Sleeping in this beast.
Well sleeping beauty,
Needs to get up,
Because the person I am really sucks.
See I want the old me to die,
So I guess that why I attempted suicide,
Once, twice,
Maybe thrid times a charm.
People blame my enviroment,
Others the music,
But I know what it is.
This whole realm of reality,
This plain of exsistance.
Sometimes I think I try to hard,
Give people my all for a slap in the face.
Give the a trillion,
They give you about one.
Next stop,
The ark.
Where all the drifters,
And people with no real home,
Can come and find companionship.
The realm of art is where I'm off to,
So no longer will I fight this,
That one shot will end it all tonight,
Forget the rest of the world,
Now I'm giving myself a chance at happyiness.